Excellence is not an act, but a habit

Here, at Pelinari & Pelinari our words are always received because we stand for honesty, being true in what we say, being straight and clear. 

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  Twenty years in our profession stand as proof. We, lawyers, are moving words, they are the instrument we all play. Therefore, excellence must be present in our discourse, be it negotiation or pleading. That is because our final goal is to be heard.

The word is the most powerful tool in the world. It’s what can start a war or may transmit affection. Here, at Pelinari & Pelinari our words are always received because we stand for honesty, being true in what we say, being straight and clear.

We also stand for authenticity, just being ourselfs, always standing in our own truth. We do aswell stand for integrity, being of our word, practising with passion, actually doing what we say and permanently bulding the relationship with our clients.

Least, but of huge importance is academic knowlege because there is no other real power for a lawyer. It will always be about what we say and the way that we say it.

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